In the western part of Rwanda lies a remarkable example of community-based tourism, a concept that transcends traditional travel experiences. Red Rocks Rwanda, nestled amidst...
Eswatini, formerly known as Swaziland, often remains under the radar for many travellers. However, within this landlocked country lies an enchanting celebration where tradition...
Rwanda, known as the “Land of a Thousand Hills,” offers a variety of unique and luxurious accommodation options that cater to different tastes and budgets. This was my...
Livingstone, Zambia, is a popular destination for travellers visiting the magnificent Victoria Falls. The town offers a range of accommodations catering to different budgets...
Morocco, a country known for its rich history, vibrant culture, and diverse landscapes, offers a wide range of accommodations to suit every budget. From luxurious riads and...
Discovering the beauty of West Africa’s pristine beaches wasn’t on my radar until I discovered this overlooked gem of a country. Benin, nestled between Nigeria and...
During my 7 month journey across Africa, Uganda is the country where I spent most of my time: 7 weeks in total, with 5 consecutive weeks in September 2023. At first I was quite...